Electronic Yellow Card Reporting
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) collects reports of suspected adverse drug reactions (ADRs) via the Yellow Card Scheme. These provide a source of information on potential drug safety issues allowing the agency to take regulatory action to protect public health. Electronic Yellow Card reporting from Vision 3 allows you to:
- Create a populated Yellow Card report directly from the current Add Allergy and Intolerance screen and when inactivating a repeat master where the reason is allergy/intolerance, see Creating a Yellow Card Report for details.
- Send a complete Yellow Card report to the MHRA web service, see Yellow Card Pre-requisites for details. You can also preview and print the report.
- View and edit, by deleting and resending, existing Yellow Card reports created in Vision 3, see Editing a Sent Yellow Card Report for details.
- View automatically created tasks for unsent Yellow Card reports, see Tasks for Unsent Yellow Card Reports for details.
When you create a report it is automatically populated with the information on the Allergy and Intolerance screen along with relevant patient and practice information where available.
Once complete, the Yellow Card information saves to the patient record and a report sents via the Message Bus - Message Transmission Tool to the MHRA website.
Please see the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Website for further background information on the Yellow Card Scheme.
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